When Labour last ran Dartford, Council Tax soared by 9.8% in a SINGLE YEAR. Services were broken but bills kept rising.
With us at the helm we've become one of Britain's most consistent tax-freezing councils. We're doing it again for 2023.
And, unlike lots of other councils, we haven't cut services.
In fact we've expanded what we do, and our funding, to help families cope with a rising cost of of living caused by the effects on global energy prices of Putin's illegal war.
Conservative Dartford means stable budgets, no draconian cuts, no picket lines, no strikes, no waste, no political correctness and some of the lowest council tax bills in Kent.
History suggests a rather different story if Labour were to take control - higher bills, a poorer bin service and lots of spending on virtue-signalling policies.
Sometimes in life you don't appreciate something until it's gone .. and you would certainly notice the difference if Dartford didn't have its low tax, common sense Conservative Council.
Don't lose it.
On Thursday 4th May, vote for your Local Conservatives.